Baban Apple Brandy 50ml
Baban Apple brandy is a pure and honest reflection of an apple as a fruit. Brandy with a strong character that exudes complexity of taste and fruity notes. Baban Apple brandy originated exclusively from apples from our own orchards and exudes the character of the climate and the soil in which they grew. The balance of aromas was achieved by distillation in the copper still.
100% natural fruit brandy, without additional sugars or flavours.
Carefully selected varieties of apples, perfectly ripe
Traditional method of distillation in the copper still, fruit was previously cleaned from heads and tails
Alcohol content
40% vol.
Transparent glass bottle of 50ml
Serve at 10-12°C in tulip-shaped glasses
Baban Apple brandy is a pure and honest reflection of an apple as a fruit. Brandy with a strong character that exudes complexity of taste and fruity notes. Baban Apple brandy originated exclusively from apples from our own orchards and exudes the character of the climate and the soil in which they grew. The balance of aromas was achieved by distillation in the copper still.
100% natural fruit brandy, without additional sugars or flavours.