Baban Plum Brandy 50ml
Baban Plum brandy, based on a family recipe, is made from blue plum from our own orchards, and has a delicate aroma and drinkable taste. It represents our tradition, but also a drink that is recognized in many countries for its quality. Clear and colourless, produced by distillation in the copper still.
100% natural fruit brandy, without additional sugars or flavours.
Blue plum, sort Čačanka rodna
The traditional method of distillation in the copper still, with previously cleaned fruit
Alcohol content
40% vol.
Transparent glass bottle of 50ml
Serve at 10-12°C in tulip-shaped glasses
Baban Plum brandy, based on a family recipe, is made from blue plum from our own orchards, and has a delicate aroma and drinkable taste. It represents our tradition, but also a drink that is recognized in many countries for its quality. Clear and colourless, produced by distillation in the copper still.
100% natural fruit brandy, without additional sugars or flavours.